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ENA in the News

An Unintended Side Effect: Legal Cannabis Places High Demand on Emergency Nurses

August 27, 2019 Cannabis ENA Research Staffing Triage

First-of-its-kind research study shows increased emergency department workload to treat cannabis overdoses.

SCHAUMBURG, Ill. (Aug. 27, 2019) – The legalization of cannabis might be the cause of an unexpected side effect – an increase in emergency department workloads caused by patients in need of treatment for cannabis-related overdoses, according to researchers from the Emergency Nurses Association.

While the health consequences of cannabis usage have been widely researched, this first-of-its-kind study, published Aug. 26 in Public Health Nursing, examines the additional burden placed upon emergency nurses’ workload presented by cannabis overdose patients.

“As more U.S. states move toward the legalization of cannabis, usage has obviously increased rapidly in those areas,” said Director of Emergency Nursing Research Lisa Wolf, PhD, RN, CEN, FAEN. “Our goal was to examine the effects legalization of cannabis has had on emergency departments in those areas.”

The study suggests that in states where recreational use is now legal, emergency departments are seeing more patients who have ingested or inhaled cannabis and present with symptoms of overuse usually within two categories. Most often, patients present with cyclic vomiting syndrome, a well-known associated effect of cannabis abuse. But in more alarming circumstances, symptoms can be consistent with those of respiratory or severe neurological issues, often signaling a stroke diagnosis, especially among geriatric patients.

Because of the stigma surrounding marijuana, patients seldom disclose usage upon admittance to the emergency department, health care workers identifying these symptoms are likely to suspect high patient illness acuity requiring a comprehensive work up to diagnose an ailment that matches the symptoms presented. Such scenarios create a preventable backlog of procedures within the already hectic confines of the emergency department.

“As states across the country rapidly decriminalize or legalize cannabis, the research and evidence weighing the risks and benefits have quickly been outpaced,” said ENA President Patti Kunz Howard, PhD, RN, CEN, CPEN, TCRN, NE-BC, FAEN, FAAN. “Additional research and data are required to further examine and identify procedures to ensure emergency nurses have the tools they need to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively.”

Wolf noted that further research is needed to fully understand the range of unintended consequences associated with legalized cannabis. She pointed to study participants’ responses that relate to the human, health care or operational impact of increase recreational use. Respondents’ common examples included:

  • Regulatory efforts to standardize the formulation
  • Dosing and labeling of cannabis products
  • Educational initiatives for consumers
  • Educational and diagnostic training for health care providers

Wolf will discuss the research findings during a presentation at Emergency Nursing 2019, ENA’s annual education and networking conference, taking place Sept. 29-Oct. 2 in Austin, Texas.

The Emergency Nurses Association is the premier professional nursing association dedicated to defining the future of emergency nursing through advocacy, education, research, innovation, and leadership. Founded in 1970, ENA has proven to be an indispensable resource to the global emergency nursing community. With 50,000 members worldwide, ENA advocates for patient safety, develops industry-leading practice standards and guidelines and guides emergency health care public policy. ENA members have expertise in triage, patient care, disaster preparedness, and all aspects of emergency care. Additional information is available at

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All #GivingSeason 20 under 40 AACN AAMC AANP Academy of Emergency Nursing Achievement Awards Adult Advanced Practice Advancing the Conversation Advocacy AEN American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners American Academy of Pediatrics American College of Emergency Physicians American Nurses Association APRN Awards Board of Directors Boarding Brand Center Cannabis Career Development Carolyn Jones CDC Conference Connection continuing education Corporate Engagement Council COVID-19 Day on the Hill DEI Disaster Preparedness Documentary Donations eBooks Education election results Emergency Department Emergency Nurse Project Emergency Nurse Residency Program Emergency Nurses Emergency Nurses Association Emergency Nurses Week Emergency Nursing Emergency Nursing 2021 Emergency Nursing 2022 Emergency Nursing 2023 Emergency Nursing 2024 Emergency Severity Index EMS EMSC EN Week EN Week 5K EN24 ENA ENA Connection ENA Connection 20 Under 40 ENA Foundation ENA Podcast ENA Research ENA University ENDVR Engage, Powered by ENA ENPC ENStrong esi Events Fall Regional Symposium federal news Firearms Firearms Injury Prevention Geriatric Giving Season Giving Tuesday Government Relations Guidelines Hall of Honor Healthy Work Environment Human Trafficking Immunizations In Case of Emergency Industry Partner Infectious Diseases Injury Prevention insurance International JEN journal of emergency nursing Lantern Award Legislation MedEvac Mednition Membership Mission Zero MPL Association NAPNAP Nashville News No Silence on ED Violence Novel coronavirus Nursing Education Online Education Opioid Orlando PAHPA Patient Safety Pediatric pediatric emergency care Personal Protective Equipment Position Statement PPE Presentation Press Release Research Resources Scholarships snakebites Staffing standing orders State Achievement State Council Achievement Awards State Fundraising Challenge Statement Suicide thank you Title VIII TNCC Trauma Trauma Nursing Core Course Triage Vaccination Washington DC Webinar Wellness Workplace Violence