The ongoing success of the organization is attributed to the continued support and dedication of ENA past presidents and their meaningful participation in ENA leadership.
Many ENA members' first exposure to ENA is at the state and local level. ENA has 50 state councils and more than 174 local chapters.
State councils are chartered by ENA to implement its philosophy, objectives and leadership. They serve as the decision-making body at the state level. Members become eligible to participate in state activities immediately upon joining ENA.
Local chapters are aligned with each of their State Councils. They are responsible for implementing ENA professional activities as outlined by the State Council. Getting involved with your local chapter is a great way to learn about all ENA has to offer.
The ENA General Assembly is the principle body responsible for developing policies and positions and providing direction for matters relating to emergency nursing, communicating member needs to the ENA Board of Directors, and providing input to the ENA
Board of Directors on issues relating to the practice of emergency nursing and adopting procedures governing the operation of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly consists of no more than 700 voting delegates and International delegates. Each state council and international membership has the right to appoint two voting delegates, one of who shall serve as state captain, as well as one nonvoting alternate delegate. The remaining state and international delegates will be allocated based on the percentage the delegation is to the national membership, as determined annually as outlined in procedures.
General Assembly Resources