
Committed to Healthy Work Environments

  • Self-care resources and courses.
  • Resources and courses for ED leaders.
  • ENA advocacy efforts.
  • Info about ENA's partners.

ENA is committed to healthy work environments for emergency nurses. The association strives to improve emergency nurse mental health and well-being, increasing collaboration with leaders on ways to strengthen ED cultures and heightening awareness and advocacy about the issues that impact how emergency nurses work every day - all with the goal of helping emergency nurses deliver the best care possible to their patients.

Below you'll find a variety of resources dedicated to helping emergency nurses create a healthier work environment including education and practice resources for nurses and ED leaders, information on ENA's federal advocacy efforts, partners that ENA works with and multimedia about important emergency nursing topics.

Emergency Nurses




ENA's focus is to advocate and advance legislation that promotes a healthy practice environment including bills that reduce workplace violence, enhance mental health and well-being for front-line health care workers and ensures adequate PPE supplies and protects health care workers from COVID-19.

No Silence on ED Violence Press Conference

Leaders and members of the Emergency Nurses Association and American College of Emergency Physicians called on Congress to pass legislation aimed at reducing violence against health care workers.

Emergency Nurses of the Future

ENA and dBase Media recently presented the Emergency Nurses of the Future video series focused on the ongoing efforts by the association and its partners to support emergency nurses today and into the future. In this clip, ENA shares how it works with industry partners for the future of emergency nurses to be equipped, supported and heard when it comes to their work environments. You can view the full series here.