  • ENA's voice in Washington, D.C.
  • Local support and assistance
  • Join the EN411 Action Network
  • Make your voice heard


Just as emergency nurses are advocates for safety and patient care, ENA is an equally determined advocate on federal legislative and regulatory issues affecting emergency nurses and patients. ENA’s Government Relations team:

  • Meets regularly with elected officials on Capitol Hill
  • Tracks federal legislation affecting emergency nurses
  • Engages in the rulemaking process for programs and policies affecting emergency nurses
  • Spearheads grassroots lobbying efforts through the EN411 Action Network.

Here’s what you need to know about Federal issues impacting emergency nursing:

Federal News Federal Letters of Support


Policies with the greatest impact on emergency nurses are often enacted at the state level. ENA’s Government Relations team tracks emergency medical and nursing-related legislation in all 50 states.

We work closely with leaders at the state level to identify, review, track, and advocate for legislative initiatives including workplace violence and injury prevention, as well as workforce issues such as safe staffing, safe patient handling, and nursing scope of practice.

We actively seek opportunities for members to influence the lawmaking process at the state level -- through grassroots campaigns or testifying in front of lawmakers in the state capitol.

State Council Advocacy Toolkit

The efforts of ENA members are critical in advancing the principles of “Safe Practice, Safe Care” for emergency nursing. The new Government Affairs toolkit is designed to assist state council leaders in influencing state lawmaker and agency officials as well as energizing and guiding ENA members to advocate on behalf of themselves and their patients.

State Council Advocacy Toolkit

Workplace Violence State Map

ENA works at the state level to support and secure passage of laws that allow law enforcement to charge individuals who assault emergency nurses with a felony. This map reflects which states have taken this important step to protect emergency nurses.

ena workplace violence map

State News

Become an ENA Grassroots Advocate

A grassroots advocate is someone who supports or promotes the interests of a proposal, cause, or group at the basic or fundamental level. ENA's grassroots advocates are members, friends, family, and anyone who supports emergency nursing. The government relations team relies on supporters to be actively engaged as grassroots advocates to effect change at the local, state, and national levels.

EN411 Action Network

ENA established the EN411 Action Network to strengthen the voice of emergency nurses in the legislative and regulatory process.

Members of the EN411 Action Network are the first to hear about important opportunities to engage with policymakers through ENA's Action Alerts. They also receive a monthly newsletter highlighting news, issues, and legislation impacting emergency nursing. Join the thousands of emergency nurses who are already standing up and speaking out!Sign up HERE

Below are important downloadable documents, such as one-page legislative priority information sheets, to reference as ENA advocates:

Current Action Alerts

Are you curious how you can support emergency nurses against workplace violence? Click this link to contact your legislators today and urge them to cosponsor and support H.R. 2663/S. 1176, the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act.

Emergency Nurses Are Under Attack! New Tools Are Needed to Respond to Violence.

Workplace Violence is a Pervasive Threat to our EDs. Tell Congress to Take Action Today!

EDs Need Help to Address Mental Health Boarding! The Senate Can Help. Act Now!

Take Action