November 2, 2023 EN Week EN Week 5K ENA Foundation

ENA 5K Draws Record Number of Participants

Designed to bring together people from around the world to celebrate emergency nurses, the virtual 5K drew 1,053 people together as part of ENA's annual Emergency Nurses Week festivities from Oct. 8-14.

September 25, 2023 election results Emergency Nurses Association ENA

Ryan Oglesby Chosen as ENA President-Elect

Ryan Oglesby, PhD, MHA, RN, CEN, CFRN, NEA-BC, has been elected 2024 president-elect of the Emergency Nurses Association. ENA members also elect Secretary/Treasurer, Directors and 3 Committee Members.

September 13, 2023 Emergency Nurses Association ENA Government Relations

ENA Letter on Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act

As part of its ongoing efforts to increase the pipeline of new nurses, promote healthy and safe work environments, workplace violence prevention and address boarding ENA sent the following letter to Senator Bernie Sanders to show support for the Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act.

September 7, 2023 JEN journal of emergency nursing

Research Explores Emergency Nurses’ Decision-Making in Obstetrical Care

Emergency nurses need additional knowledge of abortion-limiting legislation as well as the related clinical, ethical and legal implications for both emergency care staff and their patients, a study published in the September issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing found.

August 17, 2023

Improving Pediatric Emergency Care: ‘We Need to Do Better’

Chief Healthcare Executive—When a critically ill child arrives in a hospital’s emergency department, even the most experienced nurse can feel a chill. Terry Foster, the president of the Emergency Nurses Association, talks about the anxiety nurses feel when a child arrives in the hospital. Some parents don’t call an ambulance. They simply bring their children directly into the emergency room, and run straight toward a nurse.

August 16, 2023 American Academy of Pediatrics American College of Emergency Physicians ENA pediatric emergency care

Strategies Needed to Improve Care for Adolescents Seeking Help for Mental, Behavioral Health Concerns

The time is now to improve access to emergency care for the rising numbers of children and adolescents seeking help for mental and behavioral health emergencies. Strategies to address challenging circumstances that affect prehospital services, the surrounding community and, ultimately, patient care are needed.