Joop Breuer, RN, FAEN, is in his sixth year as a member of the Emergency Nurses Association Board of Directors.
Born in the Netherlands near the German border, Breuer finished nursing school in 1980. After serving in the army medical corps in the Netherlands, he started his ICU training in The Hague, from which he graduated with honors. After working in the ICU at Leiden University Medical Centre, he was asked to do a summer rotation in the emergency department of the Level I trauma center. At that point he immediately knew he wanted to switch to the ED. Since then, he has worked in several roles in the LUMC emergency department, including staff nurse, in management, as an education coordinator and, currently, as charge nurse with stretcherside responsibilities.
Breuer has long been an active member of the Dutch equivalent of ENA and is currently a member of the board of certification for ER nurse education in the Netherlands. He is also a member of the Dutch Healthcare Complaints commission.
He became an ENA member in 1998, but his involvement with ENA started a year earlier when he was one of the first nurses in his country to take TNCC. He was responsible for the dissemination of TNCC in the Netherlands from 2005-19. He is active in ENA in different positions including member/chairperson of ENA’s International Advisory Council; author and reviewer for the Journal of Emergency Nursing; as a member of the Position Statements Committee; board liaison to the Geriatric Committee and, most recently, board liaison to the DEI Committee and the Trauma Committee. He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Emergency Nursing.
As ENA’s first international board member, Breuer continues to share his knowledge of emergency nursing from a global perspective. He believes this expanded view benefits ENA as emergency nurses around the world face common challenges in providing safe, quality care.
Term as Director: January 2019 - December 2024
To reach Joop, please contact him at