
Group Membership

Join as a group and save!

Do you work in a large emergency department? Are your colleagues interested in advancing their careers? If so, group membership could be an option for you! When you join or renew as a group, you receive the same valuable member benefits at a reduced annual dues rate.


Group Membership Annual Dues and Eligibility


Membership TypeDuesGroup Rate
National Member (RN)$115$105
National Member (RN) AZ/CO/FL/MA/NC/SC Residents$120$110
National Member (RN) CA Residents$136$126
International Member$115$105

 Group rates available on one year membership types only



  Group must include five or more new or renewing members

  Members must qualify for one the following types of membership:

  • National Member (RN): Professional registered nurse licensed in the U.S. or its territories. One-year term only.
  • International Member: Professional registered nurse (licensed or equivalent) residing outside of the U.S. or its territories. One-year term only.
  Group must have a coordinator who is responsible for ensuring the group meets eligibility requirements and will serve as the liaison with ENA.


Getting Started:

Are you interested in serving as a group coordinator?


STEP 1: Download the "ENA Group Membership Sign-up Form"

STEP 2: Complete the Group Coordinator Information section of the form

STEP 3: Gather a group of at least five first-time or renewing members that meet eligibility requirements

STEP 4: Submit completed form electronically to

Leave the rest to ENA! The ENA Member Services Team will register your group and will contact you and your group members with a unique discount code. Members will be able to save $10 when joining or renewing online. 

NOTE FOR ORGANIZATIONS and STATE/CHAPTER LEADERS: If your are paying for your group, please have each member complete the standard membership application instead of the sign-up form. Submit all applications at once to member services and note the method of payment.

Did you sign-up as a group member and are wondering what comes next?


Once your group is submitted by your group coordinator, a unique discount code will be assigned and emailed to you. You will have 30 days to use the discount code online when joining or renewing your membership.

Can't find the email containing your discount code? Simply contact the ENA Member Services Team by email at, or call 800.900.9659, ext. 6000.



Download ENA Group Membership Sign-up Form


Need Help Building a Group?

Recruitment and membership resources are available to help you communicate the value of ENA membership to your peers!



Contact member services by calling 800.900.9659, ext. 6000 or emailing