ENA Foundation Scholarships

To further advance emergency nursing, the ENA Foundation proudly offers educational scholarships annually. Offerings include academic scholarships, available to members and nonmembers seeking to further their education with degrees ranging from associates
to doctoral degrees, as well as conference scholarships for members interested in attending ENA’s annual education and networking conference.
Academic Scholarships submission period: March 3-April 26, 2024
Conference Scholarships (U.S. applicants) submission period: March 11-April 12, 2024
Conference Scholarships (Global applicants) submission period: Jan. 8-Feb. 23, 2024
ENA Foundation Academic Scholarships
Doctoral Scholarships
Eligible applicants include emergency nurses pursuing a doctoral degree (PhD or DNP).
- Applicants must be a current member of ENA in good standing
- A minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Applicants must be attending an ACEN or CCNE accredited institution and must provide verification of the institution's current accreditation
- Applicants must include a Statement of Intent to enter an emergency nursing career
- Two letters of recommendation; one of which must be from a current ENA member in good standing
- Applicants who are more than six (6) months beyond the completion of all formal coursework and comprehensive examinations are ineligible to apply for this scholarship
- Applicants who have received ENA Foundation scholarship support for other educational levels in the past are eligible to apply again at the doctoral level. Previous doctoral scholarship recipients are also eligible to reapply in the doctoral category.
- ENA members having served in the immediate past three (3) years on the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees or ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee are ineligible to apply
- The current members of the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees, ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee as well as individuals that have served in such positions in the immediate past three (3) years and the spouses and children* of all such individuals are ineligible to apply
*For the purposes of eligibility, "children" are defined as natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or grandchildren.
Doctoral Scholarships Available: ENA Foundation Pamela Stinson Kidd Doctoral Scholarship, ENA Foundation Endowed Doctoral Scholarship, ENA Foundation State Challenge Doctoral Scholarship, ENA Foundation Member-Supported Doctoral Scholarship, BCEN Doctoral Scholarship, Richard Wynkoop Memorial Endowed Scholarship (for active military or veterans).
Graduate/Master's Scholarships
Eligible applicants include emergency nurses pursuing any of the following master's degrees: Nursing Administration, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Education or Public Health.
- Applicants must be a current ENA member in good standing
- A minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Applicants must be attending an ACEN or CCNE accredited institution and must provide verification of the institution's current accreditation
- Two letters of recommendation; one of which must be from a current ENA member in good standing
- With the exception of the doctoral and Elizabeth B. Moore Memorial Scholarship applicants, previous recipients are ineligible to reapply under the same category. however, qualified recipients may apply for the next category. Previous doctoral scholarship recipients are eligible to reapply in the doctoral category.
- ENA members having served in the immediate past three (3) years on the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees or ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee are ineligible to apply
- The current members of the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees, ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee as well as the individuals that have served in such positions in the immediate past three (3) years and the spouses and children* of all such individuals are ineligible to apply
*For the purposes of eligibility, "children" are defined as natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or grandchildren.Graduate Scholarships Available: ENA Foundation Endowed Graduate Scholarship, ENA Foundation Member-Supported Master's Scholarship, ENA Foundation State Challenge Master's Scholarship, Anita Dorr Memorial Scholarship, BCEN Master's Scholarship, Gisness Advanced Practice Scholarship, Jeanette Ash Memorial Endowed Scholarship, Joan Eberhardt Memorial Scholarship, Judith C. Kelleher Memorial Scholarship (Nurse Practitioners), Karen O'Neil Memorial Scholarship, Teleflex Scholarship, Texas Endowed Scholarship Fund, Stryker Scholarship: Master's in Health Care or Related Field, Grand Canyon State Council Scholarship, Vicki Dippner-Robertson Memorial Scholarship, California ENA State Council Scholarship, Colorado State Council Scholarship, Georgia ENA Scholarship, the Land of Lincoln Scholarship, HoosiER Nurse Scholarship, Kentucky ENA Founders Scholarship, Maryland ENA Scholarship in Memory of Emilie Crown, Minnesota Pathways IX Scholarship, Missouri ENA State Council Scholarship, New Jersey ENA State Council Scholarship, Randy Mitchell Education Scholarship, Vicki Patrick Legacy Scholarship, Mary Leblond Advocacy Scholarship, Sally Snow National Leadership Scholarship, Virginia State Challenge Scholarship, Tom Whitten, Jr. Educational Scholarship, Richard Wynkoop Memorial Endowed Scholarship (for active military or veterans).
Non-RN Scholarships
Eligible applicants include nurses pursuing an associate's or baccalaureate degree in nursing: Rescue workers (pre-hospital care providers, firefighters and police officers) and emergency department employees (including but not limited to emergency medical technicians, clerical coordinators, CNAs, registration clerks, etc.).
- Applicants do NOT need to be a current member of ENA
- A minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Applicants must be attending an ACEN or CCNE accredited institution and must provide verification of the institution's current accreditation
- Two letters of recommendation
- One letter must be from a current ENA member in good standing
- Applicants who are current emergency department employees must also provide one letter of reference from your emergency department nurse director/manager stating the applicant's interest in emergency nursing
- Previous Non-RN scholarship recipients are ineligible to reapply for a Non-RN scholarship
- ENA members having served in the immediate past three (3) years on the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees or ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee are ineligible to apply
- The current members of the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees, ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee as well as the individuals that have served in such positions in the immediate past three (3) years and the spouses and children* of all such individuals are ineligible to apply
*For the purposes of eligibility, "children" are defined as natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or grandchildren.Non-RN Scholarships Available: ENA Foundation Scholarship for Emergency Department Workers; Gil & Billie Gillespie Memorial Scholarship; New York State ENA September 11 Scholarship (Rescue Workers) Endowed Scholarship; Richard Wynkoop Memorial Endowed Scholarship (for active military or veterans).
Undergraduate Scholarships
Eligible applicants include nurses pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing (RN to BSN).
- Applicants (with the exception of those applying for the Elizabeth B. Moore Memorial Scholarship) must be a current ENA member in good standing
- A minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Applicants must be attending an ACEN or CCNE accredited institution and must provide verification of the institution's current accreditation
- Two letters of recommendation; one of which must be from a current ENA member in good standing
- With the exception of the Elizabeth B. Moore Memorial Scholarship applicants, previous scholarship recipients are ineligible to reapply under the same category. However, qualified previous recipients may apply for the next category.
- ENA members having served in the immediate past three (3) years on the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees or ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee are ineligible to apply
- The current members of the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees, ENA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee as well as the individuals that have served such positions in the immediate past three (3) years and the spouses and children* of all such individuals are ineligible to apply
*For the purposes of eligibility, "children" are defined as natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or grandchildren.
Undergraduate Scholarships Available: ENA Foundation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship, ENA Foundation State Challenge Scholarship, BCEN Undergraduate Scholarship, Charles Kunz Memorial Scholarship, Elizabeth B. Moore Memorial Scholarship, Ingrid Steinbach Emerging Professional Scholarship, Justin Jewell Collegiate Scholarship, NY Empire State Undergraduate State Challenge Scholarship, Richard Wynkoop Memorial Endowed Scholarship (for active military or veterans).
Scholarship FAQ's
Tips for Submission
Interested in contributing to a scholarship, or have a question about the application process? Contact ENA Foundation at 847.460.4100 or ena.foundation@ena.org.