House of Representatives Passes ENA-Supported Nursing Workforce Bill
July 23, 2018
Des Plaines, Ill. (July 23, 2018) – The Emergency Nurses Association applauds the U.S. House of Representatives on the passage of H.R. 959, the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act. ENA urges the Senate to quickly consider and pass this important legislation.
This bipartisan legislation, sponsored by Rep. David Joyce, R-Ohio, will amend Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize nursing workforce development programs and extends advanced education nursing grants.
These programs help recruit, retain and advance education of nursing professionals. The Title VIII scholarship, loan repayment and grant programs support more than 60,000 nurses and nursing students each year at all levels of nursing education, from entry-level study to graduate school. They also provide support to academic nursing institutions and healthcare facilities.
The Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act was previously approved by the Energy and Commerce Committee by voice vote on July 12.
Title VIII programs and funding have been a priority of ENA for many years. ENA joined more than 50 nursing organizations actively supporting H.R. 959 as part of the Nursing Community Coalition.
The Emergency Nurses Association is the premier professional nursing association dedicated to defining the future of emergency nursing through advocacy, education, research, innovation, and leadership. Founded in 1970, ENA has proven to be an indispensable resource to the global emergency nursing community. With 50,000 members worldwide, ENA advocates for patient safety, develops industry-leading practice standards and guidelines and guides emergency health care public policy. ENA members have expertise in triage, patient care, disaster preparedness, and all aspects of emergency care. Additional information is available at