ENA committees reflect the key areas of focus for ENA as determined by its board of directors. Committees typically require two to three year terms depending on the area of focus and outcomes. Each committee has a specific charge that is reviewed and approved annually by the ENA Board of Directors.
Available Volunteer Opportunities on ENA Committees for 2024 include:
Work Teams are typically associated with completing a single set of tasks over a set period of time. Generally, work team members are retained until charges are completed. There are currently no volunteer opportunities for Work Teams, however some may become available throughout the year.
Advisory councils have rotating terms that range from one to two years. Councils help provide guidance and direction as relates to a specific topic or cohort.
Available volunteer opportunities on ENA Advisory Councils for 2024 include:
ENA Foundation committees reflect the key areas of focus for ENA Foundation as determined by the ENA Foundation Board of Trustees. The three ENA Foundation committees are ENA Foundation Fundraising Committee, ENA Foundation Scholarship Committee, and ENA Foundation Research Grant Committee. These committees are ongoing for one to two-year terms. Each committee has specific charges set by the ENA Foundation Board of Trustees.
ENA micro-volunteering opportunities reflect key areas of focus for ENA as a result of a resolution outcome, response to a public need or crisis, or a strategic plan initiative. Micro-volunteering groups are typically short-term opportunities.
ENA Committees, Advisory Councils, and ENA Foundation Committees open for new volunteers annually each fall. Work Teams and Micro-Volunteering opportunities open on an as-needed basis. Please refer to ena.org/volunteer for the most up to date dated information on an ongoing volunteering with ENA.